My experience as a student at La Trobe

In 2018 I moved from the coast to the big smoke to begin my studies at La Trobe. At 18 and just out of high school, I thought university was a transitionary phase of life with one clear goal: obtaining a degree. At this stage, uni was just something I wanted to check off my list so I could get a career. I had no idea how influential the social aspect of university would be to my life.

A hallmark of La Trobe is the strong social culture, and I involve myself in university life as much as possible. During my first year, I worked hard to grow my social network and as a result got to enjoy new experiences and new friendships. One of the best things about that initial year was heading to the eagle bar after class for a game of pool followed by a parma and a pot… and often, a rowdy night at Stollies! Unfortunately, the eagle bar is yet to reopen following covid but hopefully it won’t be long before we can cheers to its return!

I’ve been involved with a few great clubs throughout my time at La Trobe. I played footy for a year with LTUFC as this was something I’d always wanted to try. Despite my lack of hand eye coordination and awful contribution to the game, I loved being part of this club and getting around the socials, including weekly team dinners, piss ups and the annual footy ball! I made some great mates through this club and met my housemates here, so I highly recommend students get involved in clubs/sports at La Trobe. More recently I joined Surfing At La Trobe (SALT) and was lucky enough to attend the Wilsons Prom surf trip which was unreal! I went on the trip knowing nobody but was warmly welcomed and had a great time. I’m so keen for the next trip! Everyone’s uni experience is different and ultimately what you put in is what you’ll get out. Joining a club is a great way to meet people and get around La Trobe’s social scene so I recommend putting yourself out there and getting involved. There is nothing to lose but so much to gain!

Aside from sports, I also have a few academic involvements including the Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology (MAPP) society, the MAPP honours committee and the IN2SCIENCE program which partners university students with local high schools. This semester I’m working in a year 7 science class, helping students understand concepts and encouraging them to peruse science into their later schooling years.

I’m lucky enough to have had a primarily face-to-face experience at La Trobe and have met many of my best friends through classes I’ve taken. Unfortunately, the impact of covid has made socialising difficult the past few years however I’m currently in my honours year and have been able to enjoy lots of social events including fortnightly seminars, lab dinners, knock-off drinks, and cohort socials. After 2 years of online learning, having strong connections is more important than ever. Social experiences are why university is so great and I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had at La Trobe.

We have such a good social culture here and there are so many opportunities for students to meet people and have an involved university experience. I recommend getting involved in clubs, socialising with your cohort, and attending events happening on campus. Ultimately the experience you have depends on you, so get involved and make the most of your time at La Trobe!


Rooted – Student Life at La Trobe


We need to open the study rooms in the La Trobe Library